Monday, July 14, 2008

There is a Season

This is a season of my life (and our lives as a married couple, we will be leaving the day after our 1 year anniversary) that I have very mixed feelings about. I am so thrilled that I have a husband who is faithful to the Lord and who has a hearfelt desire to serve the poor, hungry, those experiencing injustice, the widow, the orphan, etc. I am so excited to be a part of so many exciting things, the Peanut Butter Project, Faith Alive as an organization, a community of Christ followers who REALLY trust Him...with everything, the "Penguin School", kids, holistic approaches for health care and caring for people, the fabrics and beautiful colors, the people and being able to exprience a part of their lives with them, hope, faith, trust, love, rewards that are far better than what the world could offer me and what I was pursuing back home. Things that I feel anxiety showers, finances, the ability to exercise, food, sickness, missing my friends and family, doubting, fear of unknown, not feeling adequate to serve in any capacity (education, spiritually, etc.), loneliness, safety, and not having passion. This is a season of our lives where we can grow in knowing Jesus Christ more deeply, as being more real, more genuinely, more faithfully, with more trust, as the place we find our security and hope. Most of the things I listed as anxieties are things that I often pursue as things that make me happy, sustain me, give me my identity. However, I am looking to trade those things in for knowing Jesus more, as much as it scares me and as much as much as I have tried to fight it in the process of going, it's happening, and I'm excited.

Please feel free to reply and to post comments, prayers, things going on in your life, etc. We would LOVE to hear from family and friends because we will be missing you SOOOOOO much. I am realizing that what I will miss the most are my relationships that have helped to support and encourage me, and I don't want them to disappear while we're gone!



ketchmeup said...

Hey Kristen,
Perhaps your concern about exercise won't be one. No fast food or driving much there - little of a sendentary lifestyle more common here!
You mention you're leaving just prior to your 1 year anniversary - when is that? Are you two already there, on your way?
We'll be eager to read the blogs.
You have our prayers.
Greg & Pat

Jason, Shaunna, and little B said...

Hey guys! I am going to miss you Kristen! I wish you safe travels and can't wait to see what amazing things come for the both of you! Thanks for starting this blog!

Dawn said...

Hi, Kristen - I never had the privilege of meeting your husband, but hello, Jon! I am very proud of you guys for this venture in faith. I didn't know you were a Christian - I would have loved to share my faith walk with you while you were a student had I known. The Lord bless you abundantly as you serve Him - and I will definitely be checking in, as blogging has become one of my very favorite things to do!

Dawn said...

I should have said that I have many connections to Africa - I had two aunts, uncles, and 4 cousins who were missionaries in various parts of Africa my whole life - my uncle flew the first mission aviation plane in history. I have a cousin and husband who raised 4 children in the desert of Mali, and who still live there in tents. My son went to Mozambique, twice, on mission trips, then decided to go to school in Nairobi, Kenya for an adventure - where he met his beautiful Kenyan wife. We have hosted countless missionaries to Africa in our church over the years. So I have a definite interest in what you will be doing.

Alicia Bosscher said...

Good-bye Kristen and Jon! Nate and I are so thankful that we were able to spend time with you in VA recently. I really will not be surprised if we find ourselves in similar places in the future - Africa, CO, somewhere else hip and fun. I admire your humble spirit and excitement to grow in your faith. I don't envy all that you have to do in the next 10 days, but it will get done I'm sure! :) We'll bookmark this blog and keep in touch!
We love you guys!

Jeremy and Jessica said...

Hi Kristen-
I'm glad I was still on your email list- I often wondered how you were doing. Usually after every time I would listen to a Dave Mathews song (which I love now thanks to you). Congratulations on your marriage and new adventure. It sounds like it will be spiritually edifying and emotionally trying. Which is why it will be wonderful. I'm so happy to see you doing well. Good luck.
Your college roomy-
Jessica Price

Kristi said...

Hey you two!

Congratulations on your journey - both spiritually and your work! I just got back from Africa Sunday and am so happy and excited for you! I can't wait to hear how things are going for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Kristi Hanratty (Jill's old roommate and Bachelor Fan Extraordinaire!)

Kate said...

Hey Jon and Kristen! Greetings from Nigeria! Can't wait till you arrive here. Things are going well and generally enjoying the time and experiences so far. Good luck in the final days of packing and spending time with family.


Unknown said...

I miss you guys already. Mattressing down the Poudre just won't be the same.

No diggity

Colleen said...

Hey guys! I miss you both and I know FPC is missing you too. I'm so excited for you and will keep you in my prayers.

Cheryl S said...

Hi Jon & Kristen,
Hope your trip went smoothly and that you have made it to Jos safe and sound! Take care of each other and enjoy this adventure!
We'll just be mastering the game of Settlers while you are gone.
Cheryl & Shad