Thursday, July 31, 2008

We're here!

We wanted to write a quick note saying that we made it safely. Our travels were just about flawless. We are both lacking on sleep but have already been busy orienting ourselves to our new home. We will write more later, we are spending time with some people from the Naval Academy, which has been keeping us on our toes. We played a soccer match against the Faith Alive Soccer Team today, and lost terribly, but none the less, it was a great time! I also wanted to say that we miss our families and friends immensely already, and thank everyone for all their support. We love you and miss you. We will try to blog again when we get a chance, sorry for the short report, but we have been very busy. Lots of love and we will try to write more soon.
Kristen and Jon Paul


Cindy Frost said...

Hey Jon & Kristen!

Welcome to Nigeria! So glad you arrived safely and that travels went smoothly!! Hope you can get rested up soon!

I miss you guys already but I'm so excited that this adventure has begun for you. You are definitely in our prayers.

I head out tomorrow for my trip. I only have about 140 pages left to read--can you believe it? And you thought it couldn't be done... :-)



p.s. What do you do with Garlic and Oil Sauce??

Unknown said...

Hi Kristen and Jon! It's Ash (from Fargo!) I just got this email-I don't use that account anymore, so I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I think this is really exciting!! We will pray for you! We love you and are thinking of you!
Love, Ash and Mike M.

fanchifamily said...

We are so glad that you guys made it safely! You are in our prayers. I can't wait to hear how you are getting settled.

We love you guys.

Chelsea Fanchi

Mom Rise said...

We just got back from vacation and
were so glad to hear you got there
safe and sound. We are so proud of
you and will keep you in our
prayers. Have a wonderful
experience and of course
we will be checking the blog...Love
ya...Mom and Dad Rise

Jill said...

hey jp & k:
glad you arrived safely and are showing your commitment to recreational sports already! that soccer game sounds fun! i'm in omaha, nebraska tonight and am en route to colorado after my midwest tour. holla! i had some great fun and am looking forward to spending a few weeks with family before beginning the west tour! you'll both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. love you both - jill

mary ledman said...

Dear JP and Kristen,
Glad to hear that you have arrived without too much hassle. Dylan wants to know if it is hot in Nigeria and Ryan would like to know what you're doing. And, is there river to "float?" We're doing well and hoping that your adjustment goes smoothly.

Mary Ledman and Family

Unknown said...

HI Kristen and Jon,

First of all I never got a chance to tell you Happy Anniversary! I was thinking about you on July 27! The year flew by and now you are onto some new fabulous adventures! It's wonderful to hear you've made it safely! Enjoy your new culture, friends, and food. You are loved and in my prayers!

Love - E-mack

DJ said...

Keep the updates coming!

I'll say a prayer for you!