Friday, August 8, 2008

Missing you

Well, we are just starting to get settled in here in Nigeria.  We are currently living at Dr. Chris's house and will be moving into the Guest House near the clinic after the people from the Naval Academy leaves.  We have been doing a lot of observing and learning how the clinic operates.  It is great to see how the workers incorporate the whole patient when working together.  They are not only counseled on medication and medical examinations.  They also discuss their spiritual life, emotional life, social life, financial life, nutrition, adherence, their social supports, etc.  It feels more fulfilling and a more complete form of "health care" since they often relate and affect each other.  We have been taking Housa lessons, however, I don't feel like I am proficient enough to communicate with the "locals" yet.  It is a learning process.  I just basically say a few words I know and get laughed at.  It's great.  We have also visited some of the sattelite clinics, which have such high rates of HIV, yet the people are continously joyful.  I feel that the presence of God is in the beauty of the land as we travel different places, and in the people as we meet them.  There is not much that I miss in the sense of the "American life".  What I miss is my family and friends.  I am learning that my relationships with people is what matters the most.  The Nigerians are a great example of how they live this relationship centered life out.  It is much more fulfilling for me.  In missing my family and friends I am realizing a blend of family and friends.  The lines become blurry.  My family have become my very best friends.  In turn, my friends have become my family.  I am missing only those things from home.  The bucket showers are fine, actually refreshing.  The food is great, probably too great at this point!  I am meeting great people.  While I cannot yet say that I am passionate about Nigeria and Faith Alive, I can say that I am happy here.  I can say that God is here and the people recognize Him much more than I have recognized Him. They recognize God and His work, where I tend to ignore it, or complain about it, or have difficulty finding it.  It's obvious here, even though He is everywhere.  I am looking forward to my time here.  Like I said, I am happy.  We are definately still in the learning stages.  There are times when I see things that make my heart break.  There are times where I am angry because I see the injustice.  I remember what we have in America and become frustrated with the injustice of it all.  But I am happy.  The people are happy.  I am also very thankful for all the people who have written posts.  It is really fun to hear from you and to hear how your lives are going.  I'm not sure how to reply to them, but know that you are loved.  That we are so excited to hear from  you when you reply, I have been impressed with the people I have heard from... some very unexpected and old friends, that I have often thought about.  I am thankful this experience can still bring us close even though we are far.  Love you!

1 comment:

Mom Rise said...

Love reading your blog. We pray
everything continues to go well for you. You are on quite an
adventure. Enjoy and learn.
Love ya. Mom and Dad Rise