Monday, August 11, 2008


So, I need to relay this story. We went to a game reserve/resort and were staying in these beautiful African huts. There was even running water...sometimes. We got to swim in this beautiful hot springs, that was just the right temperature. I climbed up a tree and jumped off, like an African monkey. The next morning, Jon and I went to go eat breakfast. We had packed all of our stuff neatly. When we came back, we discovered one of our locked windows was broken into, and the baboons had gotten in! They had unzipped my bag, taken my stuff out and thrown it everywhere. In search of food! It was funny because my bag had no food and Jon's had granola bars in it...they didn't touch his stuff! So, as sneaky as they thought they were, we were sneakier. They opened the fridge, dresser, everything! They were EVERYWHERE! There were also wart hogs everywhere! Think Rafiki and Pumba from the Lion King. Not as cute and they don't sing. Anyways, I just wanted to share that story with you so you could get a good laugh at our experiences in Africa! Hope you are all having a great day!


Helen Goodfellow said...

Hi, You are now being prayed for by Plymouth Congregational UCC of Fargo. We love your messages Hope all is going great. God Bless. Grandma Helen

fanchifamily said...

ha!!! your story made me smile. What were you guys doing at the resort? Also, happy belated anniversary!!

Mom Draskovic said...

Hey guys, Jon was always good at hiding his food so he didn't have to share. Love you Mommy

Anonymous said...

i miss you two!! i literally laughed out loud after reading this and then read it to my roommate. i especially enjoyed the lion king references. i can imagine they weren't singing and dancing and making life happy. colorado misses you as well. good luck with your work at faith alive it seems challenging at best.
love and hugs.